Everyday a risk

When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

I was thinking about how to answer this prompt. Everything is a risk of some sort. It’s more about choice of either risk tolerance or going into the risk to experience something different.

While I was thinking about it I get a text and video from my facility. There was a police chase starting about 3 cities over that ended across the street. Multiple helicopters, police cars and the like.

So apparently my current risk is going to work. I can’t live my life being afraid of being out in the world.

Changing my life

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Several years ago I was going through a layoff at a fortune 500 company. I had been working for them for 20 years and had a significant severance package. I had been in IT for most of my career with that company. I was really struggling with finding a new job because the work environment had become so toxic I had no interest in going through that again.

One of my friends called me one day and took me out for coffee. He knew I was struggling and had worked with me on training my dogs and knew I really enjoyed it. He asked why I wasn’t looking at becoming a dog trainer full time. That started the process of me starting my own business. It’s been the best and the toughest part of my life and there hasn’t been a time that I wanted to go back to a life in corporate. My life is so different now, so much more full and so many goals that I didn’t even know I wanted to do before I changed my life.

Can we learn from our mistakes?

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

I think the biggest thing I wish I would have done differently is leaving my marriage years sooner. I was married for seven years. I probably should have only been married for 3 and chosen to leave at that point. Those last four years took me down roads I never imagined I would have allowed in a marriage.

Through counseling and learning to set boundaries better I have been able to create a life I never would have imagined while married. Looking back I don’t think I would change it. I needed those experiences to grow and be the person I am today.

Not being good enough

What makes you nervous?

Lots of things make me nervous. It all comes down to me thinking I won’t be enough to accomplish what I’m doing.

I’m a big fan of Mel Robbins and one of the things she has taught me is to ask ‘What if it all works out’ the mental shift that question creates allows me to breathe and start moving forward.

Am I always good enough? No, but I always gain experience and that is how I eventually find success.

Depends on the day

How do you unwind after a demanding day?

End of a demanding day can happen in several ways. Some days are demanding but I’m able to come home and cook something for dinner that helps me recharge and relax. Other times I knit/crochet so I can create something.

On the days that are all things draining, my fish help me out. I can sit and watch the fish do their thing for hours. It’s fascinating and I enjoy the colors of the different fish.

What’s my goal

How do you use social media?

I’m not a fan of social. Due to being a business owner, I have to be there. It’s how people find my business.

My rules are simple. I post things to make people smile. Mostly about my dogs because why wouldn’t they make everyone happy. Since it’s a necessary thing in my life, I chose to control the narrative.

Too many to count

Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

Especially since COVID, I have done my best to lead with kindness at all times. I find that greeting strangers, telling them good day or how much I love their hair is responded to with kindness.

Humor and smiles are a great way to reach out to anyone. I find my have a specific experience because they are almost all positive.

Using a business coach

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

Several years ago I decided to start my own business. I had previously worked in corporate and hadn’t ever considered being a small business owner. When I was laid off shortly after my 20th anniversary of working for that company I took some time to reevaluate my life plans.

I decided to take a different path and open my own business. 6 months in I decided I needed help and hired a business coach. He has helped me keep things going through COVID and we are in our 6th year of business.

I believe we wouldn’t be here without him. He’s been a sounding board, a firm voice when I was too much in my head and not making good choices.

He’s a guiding hand for my business which in turn has given me a very different life than I had ever dreamed I’d have.

The answer changed over time

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

When I was younger there were a list of places I didn’t want to visit. A very long list. One of them was Africa, it just seemed too different and dangerous. As I have gotten older, I have met people who have traveled to Africa and talked about the experience. While it isn’t at the top of my travel list, it’s on the list.

The Middle East is still on my not to visit list, for the same reasons, it feels too different and dangerous.

As with other things in life the answer may be different in time.